„Background and
state of art.”

The obligation of Paris agreement and the EU-energy roadmap aim a transformation of energy system to sustainable and low carbonsupply of European citizens

Meeting this objective on the road to a largely decarbonize energy sector by 2050 requires increasing thepower generation from renewables, which however generate power only intermittently. To integrate large amount of intermittent power,the multi-energy- -system with more ready to use energy storage technologies and further flexibility options are necessary [1]. MESH4Uaims to develop, test and demonstrate the multi energy storage hub solutions for flexibility operation in the renewables highly loadedenergy system. MESH4U consortium has large knowledge and experience in energy storage technology development and assembling (Krebs),integration (Electrum, Fraunhofer, Romande Energie), research (WUST, UTV, EPFL), commercialization (Electrum, Krebs) as well asneed of use (Arte, Avacon).

Working methods and scientific approach

Both academic and industrial partners as well as research institutes are involved in the project. The project explores three main researchtopics: integration of various energy storage technologies, optimal algorithms for planning and operations of the energy hub, tool fordesigning flexible and scalable architectures of the energy hub for the the perspective application including business model and marketintegration and flexibility of the grid aspects. The project is organized into six work packages whose context and relations are described below. Detailed work plan is presented insection 4.WP1: Analysis and modeling of different storage technologies and their dependencies in multi-storage systemWP2: Development of methodologies and algorithms for optimal planning and operation of Flexibility HubWP3: Development of architecture for Mesh4U system incl. electrical hardware specification, IT architecture, and softwareimplementationWP4: Implementation and operation of Mesh4U in demonstrators PL, DE, CH, ITWP5: Evaluation of FlexHub solutionsWP6: Project management, communication and disseminationWP6 if focused on management of the project execution, coordination, cross-work package collaboration, assurance of the technicalquality of the project deliverables. The purpose of the WP1 is to provide modeled and real measured characteristics of hub’s storagedevices as well as identify of cross-sectoral energy dependencies between particular energy storage components in the hub. Identifiedfeatures of the hub components will be a base for optimal planning and operation of the hub that is the core of WP2. A new type ofoptimal planning algorithms will be developed focusing on different stakeholder adoption and market processes. The WP3 is focused ondevelopment of the tool for hub architecture that assures high flexibility and scalability to the perspective application. One of thesignificant element of the work plan is the WP4 which is concentrated on demonstrators in four project partners countries (PL, DE, IT,CH) representing different aims of the energy hub application. WP5 of the energy hub evaluation including business model and marketintegration and flexibility of the grid aspects. WP6 is concentrated on dissemination for science and industry.