
Project objectives and goals

The main objective of MESH4U is to develop and demonstrate multi energy storage hub solutions (technology and service) for flexibilityoperation from end customers. The MESH4U combines several types of storage (electrical, thermal, mechanical and chemical) and itstechnologies in order to maximize utilization (technical and economic) for different needs and conditions. The holistic approach regardingthe multi-functioning energy storage hub provides flexibility to renewables owners and operators, industry and private households as wellas for e-mobility issues.

The MESH4U solutions will be implemented in 4 demonstrators in order to test several use cases within differentin frastructures, size of the systems, regulatory and market conditions. The objectives of the project are:

Development of storage use cases (requirements, actions and interfaces) for different actors, regions and roles for todays andfuture energy system applications (electricity, heat, gas and mobility).

Development of planning algorithms and applications for multi energy storage systems/hubs for different user groups(TSO/DSO/ESO, industry, private customers, energy communities, policy and regulatory makers and engineering offices)including different storage system elements (technology, power electronics, maintenance, security and safety) and multi energyforms (electric, mechanical and thermal).

Development of operations and optimal coordination applications of multi energy storage hubs for different user groups, incl.multi control functions: on site, marker and system operator.

Development of country oriented business model for multi-storage planning and operation, incl. flexibility offering to systemoperator for e.g. increased stability and integration of RES, flexibility for industry e.g. RES integration in manufacturing processes, flexibility for energy communities and end customers to increase independence. Test, demonstration and evaluation in Poland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland

Development of replicability and scalability methodology for others regions, users and conditions. Due to the still high price of energy storage, they must perform as many functions and applications as possible to be cost-effective andto be useful for several system actors and participants. Therefore, the MESH4U consortium represented by industry, SMEs, researchand development institutions, universities and communities enables addressing needs and solutions for several groups of interest.
Innovative content The proposed solution is innovative in terms of hardware and software involved as well as approached followed:

Development of the models of hub’s storage devices and cross-sectional energy conversion models revealing dependencies inmulti-storage system. This task enhance the knowledge related to particular storage technologies and move the center ofinterests to the integrated solutions. The results could be an important part of planning and operation of the hub for differentactors, regions and energy system application (electricity, heat, gas and mobility).

Development of methodologies and algorithms for optimal planning and operation of the hub in point of economics and demandside response as well as flexibility of the grid. The aim of the algorithms is to obtain the best matching of using the hub withconsumption profiles, generation profiles, load of national power systems and energy market prices in relations to individualcapacities and features of the storage units collected in the hub. Special care will be given to the study of smart algorithms tooptimize the management of electric vehicle fleets to maximize the integration with renewable sources through the optimalmanagement of the stationary storage, taking advantage of data shared by a vehicle manufacturer (IVECO) with the consortiumpartner.

Development of the design tool for energy hub infrastructure including electrical hardware specification, IT architecture, andsoftware functional requirements. The novelty of this tool is that it address multistorage hub architecture designing at the newcomplexity level with high flexibility and scalability that allow adapting the hub architecture to the perspective application.

Promoting applied research and obtained results by the demonstrators of energy hub application for different stakeholderadoption and market processes: supporting integration of renewable generation in industry and household, supporting industrialprocess of SMEs, services to DSO, optimal strategies for e-vehicle fleets and renewable integration. A novelty of thedemonstrator brings unique knowledge, with high potential for scaling-up and replication, integrating the layers